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Kardio line
Saegeling Medizintechnik
novo nordisk


Bausch Health


Philips Respironics


GL Pharma
Boehringer Ingelheim

Thank you for your interest in par­ti­cip­a­tion and the sup­port of the con­gress, which is about present­a­tions of the cur­rent state of med­ic­al know­ledge, sci­ence and research in the sleep medi­cine and vent­il­at­ory sup­port. There is also space for new researches in pneu­moph­th­isiology. We know how irre­place­able is place of com­pan­ies devel­op­ing, man­u­fac­tur­ing and dis­trib­ut­ing medi­cines and med­ic­al tech­no­logy. We would like to invite you to this con­gress with the pos­sib­il­ity to present your com­pany and it wil be our pleas­ure, if you sup­port the organ­isa­tion of this con­fer­ence by your participation. 

We offer you the pos­ib­il­ity of col­ab­or­a­tion by PARTNERS PACKAGES, We will send to you upon your request com­plete offer + price list.

PLATINUM PARTNER                                       

  • com­pany present­a­tion stand – by agree­ment (tent­at­ively 8 m2)
  • act­ive par­ti­cip­a­tion in sci­entif­ic pro­gram – sym­posi­um by deal
  • advert­ising in bul­let­ine /​ 1 page, A5 in portrait
  • give your mater­i­als to con­gress packages
  • pub­lic­a­tion of the com­pany logo on con­gress mater­i­als – name tag, block
  • pub­lic­a­tion of logo on web­site, in prin­ted mater­i­als and also dur­ing congress

GOLD PARTNER                                        

  • com­pany present­a­tion stand – by agree­ment (tent­at­ively 6 m2)
  • act­ive par­ti­cip­a­tion in sci­entif­ic pro­gram – sym­posi­um by deal
  • advert­ising in bul­let­ine /​ 1 page, A5 in portrait
  • give your mater­i­als to con­gress packages
  • pub­lic­a­tion of logo on web­site, in prin­ted mater­i­als and also dur­ing congress

SILVER PARTNER                                     

  • com­pany present­a­tion stand – (4 m2)
  • advert­ising in bul­let­ine /​ 1 page, A5 in portrait
  • give your mater­i­als to con­gress packages
  • pub­lic­a­tion of logo on web­site, in prin­ted mater­i­als and also dur­ing congress


  • com­pany present­a­tion stand MIN
  • pub­lic­a­tion of logo on web­site, in prin­ted mater­i­als and also dur­ing congress

If you have requests or ques­tions about par­ti­cip­a­tion of your com­pany at our con­gress, please con­tact here:
Agentúra KAMI, s. r. o., Jak­ub Kozák
E‑mail: event@​agenturakami.​sk, 0910 /​ 993 848
Please con­firm your interest by  filling in the form,  or by send­ing the order.

Present­a­tion stand
The size of the area is determ­ined by the height of the part­ner­ship. Hotel Hol­i­day Inn, Žilina offers present­a­tion spaces in the FOYER + con­gress hall MiIl­leni­um.
Act­ive par­ti­cip­a­tion in the con­fer­ence – by agree­ment with the organizers.

Advert­ising in the bul­let­ine
The upcom­ing news­let­ter format is A5 in por­trait. The doc­u­ments for the pub­lic­a­tion of the advert­ise­ment must be delivered in a print PDF (CMYK, 300 dpi), 3 mm mar­gin, to the address: event@​agenturakami.​sk, no later than Septem­ber 10, 2023. Advert­ise­ments delivered after this date will not be part of the prin­ted ver­sion of the newsletter.

Part­ner logos
The logos of all event part­ners will be presen­ted on the con­fer­ence web­site, even dur­ing the con­fer­ence, the logo must be delivered in print quality.

We are also pleased to provide you with oth­er services: 

  • accom­mod­a­tion for doc­tors and com­pany representatives
  • pro­vi­sion of present­a­tion stands, or furniture
  • addi­tion­al ser­vices for the stand (refresh­ments, decoration)

Thanks again for your help. We look for­ward to work­ing with you.

con­fer­ence organizers




Agentúra KAMI, s. r. o.
Let­ná 82 /​ 75, 052 01 Spišská Nová Ves
Mgr. Miroslava Kozáková, man­ager
Tel.: +421 948 656 488
E‑mail: agenturakami@​agenturakami.​sk